Docker Crash Course - with Java Spring Boot Microservices

Free Coupon Discount - Docker Crash Course - with Java Spring Boot Microservices, Learn Docker containerizing Java Spring Boot Apps - REST API, Full Stack and Microservices with Docker Compose
Created by in28Minutes Official
What you'll learn
- You will Learn the Fundamentals of Docker from Zero, no previous experience required
- You will learn the important Docker Concepts - Registry, Repository, Tag, Image, Container and Volumes
- You will learn the important Docker commands
- You will understand the Docker Architecture
- You will create Docker images for 8 Java Spring Boot Projects
- You will learn to use Dockerfile to Automate Building of your Docker Image
- You will learn to use various maven plugins - Dockerfile Spotify Plugin, JIB Plugin and Fabric8 Docker Maven Plugin - to create Docker images
- You will learn to create best practices with creating Docker Images - Improve Caching of Docker Images and create Multi Stage Docker Builds.
- You will Containerize Java Spring Boot Todo Web Application talking with MySQL
- You will Containerize Java Spring Boot React Full Stack Application with Docker
- You will Containerize CCS, CES Microservices, Eureka Naming Server and Zuul API Gateway with Docker and Run them using Docker Compose
- You will learn to run MySQL, RabbitMQ and Zipkin as Docker Containers
- You will learn the basics of Docker Networking - HOST, BRIDGE and NONE
- You will learn to use Docker Compose to Manage Your Containers
- You will learn the basics of Microservices
- You will Join 300,000 Learners having AMAZING LEARNING Experiences with in28Minutes