Modern Web Design Beginners HTML CSS JavaScript 25+ Projects
Modern Web Design Beginners HTML CSS JavaScript 25+ Projects, Web Design with HTML CSS JavaScript How to create Web Pages web development build websites create WebSites from scratchs
Created by Laurence Svekis
English [Auto]
What you'll learn
- Build custom websites and Applications - Over 50 Coding Challenges and Projects
- Bring your webpages to life with Dynamic and Interactive web content JavaScript and more
- Support and create fully responsive web pages and mobile friendly web site
- Apply modern web design techniques HTML5 and CSS3 - using the latest syntax
- Apply Amazing looking styles and customize the look and feel of your web pages
- Use JavaScript to create interactive and dynamic web content
- Common syntax and how to apply styling properties to customize the website layout the way you image it
- Create simple web pages with HTML
- Add Styling with CSS to design your website
- Create web templates and website designs with CSS
- Design and code modern & responsive landing pages
- Code websites & applications with HTML5 & CSS3
- Code at an expert level of proficiency with HTML & CSS
- Animations with CSS3 and jQuery
- Plan, design and program robust, and fully custom websites and applications
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